วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Knowing it aids in weight loss and helps control greed 

Used as an ally of those who want to control weight gain,
diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the glycemic index (GI) gains increasing popularity in Brazil. If before it was restricted to conversations between healthcare professionals, today manufacturers have set their minds to include this information on product labels.
In the meantime, take the time to go get more familiar with this nutritional indicator. "It measures the rate at which insulin levels increase in response to the speed at which glucose enters the bloodstream," explains nutritionist Juliet Marzalek, Curitiba, specialist in clinical nutrition.

To better understand what this means, just look at your plate of food. Much of the food, particularly carbohydrates, are transformed into glucose in the body - and glucose is nothing more than one type of sugar used as a power source for all of our bodies. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that transports glucose is in the blood to the cells and keeps sugar levels stable.

Foods are divided into three categories of glycemic index: low (lower GI than or equal to 55); Average (GI 56-69) and high (greater than or equal to 70). "The greater the amount of insulin required for the food to be metabolized, the higher its GI," ​​explains Juliet. That is, the index shows the speed at which each candy will be absorbed by the body.

Separate food 

The list of high glycemic index includes refined sugar, white rice, potatoes, bananas and recipes that take wheat flour to make them all go full steam glucose in the blood. The pancreas is forced to produce superexigido and an extra dose of insulin at once.
Thus, food is metabolized rapidly. It is this cycle that lives the answer to weight gain. "The insulin spikes make you fat because the ingested carbohydrate becomes more intensely in fat," explains nutritionist's My Life, Roberta Stella.

The rapid absorption of glucose causes a sharp drop in blood sugar. This generates a stimulus to the brain, which responds with hunger. The result is that you eat more. "If you eat high GI foods and not practicing calorie burning exercises, you will gain weight," says nutritionist Curitiba.

On the other hand, foods considered low glycemic index, whose value is near or below 50, include brown rice, wholemeal flour, cereals, legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils and peas) and most fruits. Rich in fiber, they slow the absorption of sugar and cause a slow and gradual metabolism, satiety, providing for a longer period.

But that does not mean that a menu of high GI is a tremendous villain. After a long workout for more than an hour in length, for example, Juliet nutritionist explains that it is essential to eat something that is rapidly metabolized. "This is key to powering the body, which responds by burning fat and sparing of muscle mass burns. Thus, the metabolism is" smart "to maintain weight. With supplies, he understands that he needs to make stock "he explains.

At the time of afternoon snack opt for items with low GI. "A house with fruit (high in fiber, a yogurt or three whole grain crackers," advises Juliet. If you're there too many hours without eating and think you can make the chocolate, he deceives himself. The cycle repeats itself. The sugar sweet will order more insulin to be rapidly absorbed and hunger will appear shortly. "If eating a candy, the best time is after a balanced meal with lots of fiber (after lunch, for example) so it will be metabolized smoothly" says nutritionist.

culinary magic 

There are ways to reduce the glycemic index of certain foods to change their mode of preparation. Imagine eating breakfast in a large baked potato has a high GI, beyond filling fats.

To give an understated, simply opt for a smaller, unfilled legume, but accompanied by cauliflower, a fish and a little olive oil extra virgin olive oil. The fibers of vegetables and unsaturated fats of fish and olive oil causes the potatoes are absorbed more slowly. Several factors, together, as the type of carbohydrate (discover the differences between simple and complex carbohydrates), fiber, protein, fat and preparation determine the glycemic index of meals.

Balance the GI 

See the table and tell her to put together dishes that will satisfy your hunger and not your self-worth on the scale.
Foods with a high Glycemic Index

Gatorade - 91
Baked Potato - 85
Corn Flakes ½ cup - 84
Rice Cake - 82
Baked potatoes in the microwave - 82
Bala jujube - 80
Vanilla wafers - 77
Cream of Wheat instant - 74
Mel - 73
1 medium watermelon slice - 72
1 medium slice white bread - 70
Whole wheat bread 1 medium slice - 69
Wheat Bran - 69
Fanta soda - 68
Chocolate - 68
Couscous - 65
Sugar - 65
Raisins 1 tablespoon - 64
ice cream 61


Orange Juice 3/4 cup - 57
Boiled Potato - 56
White rice - 56
Brown Rice - 55
Popcorn - 55
Corn - 55
Sweet potato - 54
Ripe banana 1 unit - 52
Green peas - 48
Baked Beans - 48
Parboiled white rice - 47
Lentil Soup - 44
1 medium orange unit - 43
Spaghetti (no sauce) - 41
Pumpernickel bread 1 slice - 41
Apple Juice (unsweetened) 3/4 cup - 41


1 medium apple unit - 36
1 medium pear unit - 36
Nonfat yogurt with fruit - 33
Chickpeas Chickpeas - 33
Skim milk - 32
1 medium banana Verde Unit - 30
Lentils - 29
Beans - 27
Integral milk - 27
Fructose (fruit sugar) - 23

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