วันพุธที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

A diet made the wrong way can harm the immune system and cause constipation 

The summer is just starting, and after the year-end festivities, with known gastronomic excesses, there is a race against time in search of good form, after all the weather is favoring and Carnival's there.
Not by chance is just that time of year that many lightning diets appear. Fruits, juices, teas and shakes earn the status of "slimming". Are the famous fad diets followed by legions of fans
The idea is to lose weight as fast as possible. And losing weight is actually very important. Whenever we orient one slimming treatment, the focus is on health care. The weight loss can prevent many diseases that plague modern society such as diabetes, heart diseases and even diseases like cancer. However, losing weight too fast, following restrictive diets for extended periods brings more health complications than benefits.

Often our body tolerates well restrictive diets when carried out for a short time and eventually. Tolerates because the organism is endowed with reserves of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. When these time restrictions become more frequent or held for a short time, but for several years the inventories will be depleted and the health complications begin to appear. The manifestations may occur in many ways and sometimes very subtle.

The most common symptoms are hair loss, weak and brittle nails, depression, weakness, malaise, dizziness, constipation and sagging. These symptoms are not related to just a nutrient deficiency, usually there are several nutritional deficiencies.

Low calorie diets are the main responsible for symptoms such as headache and dizziness. Usually this model presents calorie diet far short of the basic needs of the human body, and the levels of blood sugar may fall too much, causing hypoglycemia. These models of diet may also cause balance disorders. Initially there may be a slight dizziness, which is associated with nausea, progressing to a true picture of metabolic causes of labyrinthitis. The resumption of a normal diet model contributes to the immediate recovery of symptoms.
Reducing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, whether by private or selective diet, such as blood type diet directly influences the immunity of human body. There is no way to assess the decline of immunity in laboratory tests, but it is common to see an increase in colds or flu and infection herpsvirus in people who are following these restrictive eating models. These diseases are considered opportunistic and take advantage of the body's defenses are lowered to settle.

Net or detox diets are usually responsible for most major nutritional deficiency among diets fashion. Typically, as the macronutrients protein lacking, fats and carbohydrates inevitably leading to burning of muscle mass. But also various micronutrients or vitamins and minerals are deficient among the most important are iron, B vitamins, especially B12 and zinc. A deficiency of these nutrients cause despondency and malaise, are responsible for hair loss and weakened nails. Followed by prolonged periods of time or performed many times over a period of time, can lead to anemia. In these cases, recovery may be longer and sometimes vitamin require replacement.

The most common complication of those who follow restrictive eating models is constipation. The causes range from simply reducing the volume of food in the diet, even the low fat and dietary fiber. Eating less is already causing some reduction in fecal matter, but in addition, when the diet has radically abolish the rigor of the fats that are critical to stimulating defecation, constipation occurs.

Most of these diets is evaluated for its ability to cause weight loss, and thereby earn many credits. But we must be alert to possible complications. Losing weight is possible and pleasurable, but should not be trivialized with orientation and attitudes? ?, Shut his mouth as if it was very simple and harmless. Losing weight requires a balanced diet and should be guided by a qualified professional that does not bring with it other problems which affect the quality of life and health of people.

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