วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Check eight tips to satisfy your hunger without gaining extra pounds 

When the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day, the main concern was having enough food to survive the winter.

Today, times have changed and we have to worry about "surviving" the holidays, which normally supply of food is far greater than our needs.

The holiday seems to be a big trap for overeating. I know that during the holiday season, it is almost impossible not to eat more than we want, but in practice we could adopt some attitudes in order to take advantage of the holiday without feeling enormous guilt and an increase in weight in the balance.

Below is some more tips that may be helpful: 

-Take Care of what you eat in the weeks preceding it, thus reducing the intake of fats, refined carbohydrates and calories, and remember to exercise more.

- Eat something before. If you do not eat all day,
in time for the party you'll be hungry and lose control. Eat something low calorie, but quencher: an apple, a biscuit made with wholemeal flour or a small bowl of soup or whole grain.
-Put On your plate at least 20% of high-calorie foods and 20% more fruits and vegetables. Studies show that you probably will not notice the difference.
-Choose Foods that leave clues such as: bones of chicken wings on your plate, because this way you will eat less.
-Try Not put more than two or three items on your plate at a time, because we eat more when food is in front of us.
-Eat Slowly and chew food thoroughly. Remember: the faster we eat, the more we eat! After the meal the brain takes 20 minutes to realize that the body is satiated. Drink some water between bites. Meals during the festive holidays, and usually take longer if you eat voraciously, his plate will be empty when others are still eating, which will lead to repeat. If you drink a sip of water every two bites, so the slow down. You will not eat so much and not feel stuffed.

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