วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

No need to eat less to lose weight

The feeling of getting on the scale and see the pointer moving up can despair most of us,
human beings, and thereby make us chase the left by overeating the end of the year and that sedentary time causes. Therefore, in this article I intend to give tips on how to lose the pounds without despair.

To facilitate the calorie burn and improve muscle mass training is necessary to reduce the amount of food and increase the practice of aerobic physical activity, because contrary to what many people think, the smaller the slower muscle is your metabolism.
As we age, hormone levels drop and calorie burning slows down, thus facilitating the accumulation of body fat. As production of estrogen, testosterone and growth hormone decrease from 30 years, literally feel, greater difficulty in training and calorie burning muscle mass, so you need to act before the two gain pounds turn into 4, 5.6 ... Check out the tips.

-Cuide Of their diet according to their age:
If you are under 30 years is the recommended daily total of approximately 1,980 calories daily.
If you're between 30 and 50 years, the recommended is roughly 1450 calories daily.
From age 50, the recommended daily total rises to approximately 1100 calories.

-Fuja Of menus dull, replace ingredients, preparing change and save many calories. The fact of associating diet with not eating or eating poorly causes many people to give up on the first or second month.

-Change Your habits: Eat in a healthy way requires care beyond weight loss. A good nutrológico planning benefits the cardiovascular, digestive and immune system, promoting weight loss consistently and appropriately. It also improves the appearance, well-being and energy levels.

-Have A healthy goal in mind. Skinny actresses and other celebrities do not help much our self-esteem
-adote a realistic and positive attitude and face your health program easy and effective way to help you eat well and lead a better life.
-Stay Hydrated, drink at least a liter and a half of water per day, plus other liquids. -Eat Protein with complex carbohydrates, combine the three food groups in the following proportions: 15% protein
-50 To 60% carbohydrates and 30% healthy fat.
If -Alimente-variously and add new foods in your daily life. -No Stay too long without eating, eating frequently will get the constant energy throughout the day and not let the peaks get hungry.
-Take A hearty breakfast
-a balanced breakfast will keep your energy levels and leave your metabolism working at optimum levels helping you in weight control.
-Avoid Eating sugar
it turns into glucose very quickly, contributing to the increase in body fat.
-Praticar Exercise is key
-the exercise speeds up your metabolism, improves overall health and helps to control stress.
-Eat Less saturated fat and more essential fats because your body needs essential fats to function properly.

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