Food helps to control cholesterol levels and improves digestion
The artichoke is one of the foods most recommended by nutritionists for those who want to lose weight because of their benefits. This food has a low caloric value and helps in the digestion process. It is a food rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, copper, calcium, sulfur, iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, sodium and manganese and fiber.The food is rich in a substance called cinarina, component found in green leaves and seeds of artichokes that confers distinctive flavor that stimulates both the production of bile salts from the liver to the gallbladder secretion even by improving the digestive process, absorption of some vitamins, improves liver function. Furthermore, it acts as a protective factor against the development of dyslipidemia (high cholesterol) and hipertrigliciridemia.
But for artichoke is an ally of weight loss is important to consume the right way and in the right amount. In addition, she has a variety of antioxidants, which are substances that counteract the action of free radicals (substances circulating in our bodies that accelerate cell death, leading to premature aging and increase the chance of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, among other), preventing the development of these chronic, or degenerative processes linked to diseases of aging.
The main antioxidants present in the plant carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene which may even develop preventive measures against breast cancer or lessen the chances of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin C is another antioxidant present and it is directly linked to collagen formation, maintenance and integrity of capillary walls and formation of red blood cells. She also serves on the metabolism of some amino acids and B vitamins and helps in facilitating the absorption of iron in the formation of bones and teeth and facilitating the healing of burns.
Vitamin C acts on the first line of defense against free radicals, promoting resistance to infections through immunological activity of some immune cells and the inflammation process.
Anthocyanins are found in artichokes purplish color and are anticancer. The plant is also rich in inulin, prebiotic substances that aid in the development of bacteria in the gut that promote functioning.
The artichoke is rich in dietary fiber. They help maintain a healthy intestinal bacterial flora, improving motility, helping to control cholesterol and blood glucose (prevention and control of diabetes) and decrease the risk of certain cancers, such as colon. But it is very important to note that the intestinal bacterial flora is directly linked to the immune system. This means that healthy gut, enhanced immune system.
The B-complex vitamin present in artichoke act as formation of red blood cells and factors relevant to the production of genetic material preventing birth defects. On the other vitamin K assists in blood clotting process.
The artichoke also provides minerals like potassium to regulate the pressure of the blood pH to help the digestive processes,
manganese having an antioxidant function and contributes to the metabolic processes and phosphorus to aid in tissue regeneration and ensure the health of bones and teeth . All minerals help in proper functioning of the immune system. The artichokes can be eaten with salad or tea version.
Besides the low calorie (about 50 Kcal per 100g), the fibers can aid in weight loss process because they increase the feeling of satiety. But not just tea or consuming artichoke, it is important to combine a healthy style based on physical exercise and also follow through with a healthy diet for a healthy weight loss occurs.
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