วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Study indicates that diet decreases the rate of disease-causing hormones 

A new survey, developed by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California (USA), suggests that losing 5% of body weight through diet and exercise lowers rates hormones estrogen and testosterone, related to breast cancer in blood of women with obesity, reducing risk disease. The study was published online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The findings do not prove that weight loss can prevent breast cancer,
but it is an option for reducing risk without significant side effects. For the study, 439 overweight women were divided into four groups together. One group did exercises (mostly walking), the second group went on a diet, the third did both and the last group did not make any change in routine. The participants were aged between 50 and 75 years, with an average of 58 years.

Those made ​​only diet or diet in conjunction with exercise lost about 10% by weight, and the levels of testosterone and estrogen have decreased between 10 and 20%. According to the researchers, the amount of weight lost was key to changes in hormone levels, but only do physical activity did not produce a large change in weight or hormone levels.

The researchers cautioned that the study does not claim that losing weight decreases the risk of breast cancer, just make a list, because more and more time consuming to prove this study would be necessary. They explain, however, that the weight loss has an effect on circulating estrogen hormones, making it probable that reduces the risk of cancer.

Prove seven foods that prevent breast cancer 

According to nutritionist Deborah La Regina, the Paulista Oncology Center (CPO), "the essential nutrients that help in the prevention of this cancer are lacking in the diet of most people." See the tips of experts to put more color on your plate and enhance health.

Red Fruits 

"Fruits like raspberries and blackberries contain anticancer phytonutrients called anthocyanins that retard the growth of pre-malignant cells and prevent the formation of new blood vessels, which can feed a tumor," explains nutritionist Daniela Cyrulin, Nutri & Consult.


A survey by the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States, followed more than 12,000 women and found that consuming two servings of carrots every day reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 17%. According to the study, however, this percentage can be attributed to women in pre-menopause.


According to Deborah La Regina, flavonoids present in grapes may slow the growth of malignant cells in the body, but that this should not be an excuse to abuse the red wine. The excess of alcohol impairs the whole metabolism and can be come other trigger conditions in addition to weaken immunity.


"Through the stimulation of the enzymes of the body, sulforane, present in broccoli, eliminates substances that may lead to cancer cells in the body", Daniela points. We recommend consuming half a cup of tea of food per day.


Researchers at the Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Michigam in the United States, claim that spices such as black pepper and curry, may act to lower the appearance of cancer cells without damaging healthy breast cells.


Soybeans and derivatives such as soy milk and tofu, contain nutrients called phytoestrogens in its composition. It is similar to the natural hormone estrogen produced by the female body, and the dispute between these two important substances interfere in the development of cancer cells enzymes, says nutritionist Deborah

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