Adipocytes the name of the fat cells
Anemia reduction in the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells.Anemia causes weakness, pale skin and tiredness. It may be caused by bleeding, increased destruction of red blood cells or a reduction in their manufacture. There are various types, such as lack of iron and vitamin B12. Each receives a treatment
Anxiety: uncomfortable feeling of fear, discomfort or concern about something negative
that might happen. Can include physical symptoms such as tremor, muscle pain, nervousness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating. If anxiety interferes with your daily activities, you may need medication.
Apnea: cessation of breathing during sleep for ten seconds or more. It can be mild, moderate or severe based on the number of interruptions per hour. Obesity can contribute to the development of the disease.
Gastric banding: a silicone ring is placed around the stomach, dividing the body into two. The top portion is the size of a coffee cup. When completed food activates the nerve centers that control satiety. This can be done through a cut of the abdomen or laparoscopic method, made from small cuts in the abdomen and with the help of a camera. How can you just swallow a very small amount of food, can develop problems need to ingest nutrition and vitamins. Restrictive surgeries make your stomach to become smaller. With it, you feel satiated faster. That means you need to make big changes in the way of food, including smaller portions. The most common surgery is adjustable gastric banding. Both are indicated for those with a BMI of 40 or above. Calorie unit measure of energy, which represents the amount of energy from food. The calories that are not used for energy are stored as fat.
Surgery Bariatric surgery to reduce stomach
High Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a type of fat that the body needs for many important functions such as the production of new cells. High cholesterol increase the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. High cholesterol is caused by eating a diet too rich in cholesterol and saturated fats or hereditary conditions. Treatment includes a healthy diet, exercise and medications. The diagnosis is made by a blood test. It is measured in milligrams per deciliter:* Desirable: below 200 mg / dL
* Borderline: 200-239 mg / dl
* High: 240 mg / dL or above
Stroke, sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain caused by blocking or by bleeding from a blood vessel. Areas affected by the blockage or by bleeding are damaged in moments. The effects of a stroke can be mild or severe, temporary or permanent, depending on which cells are affected, how much of the brain was involved and how fast blood flow is restored to the area. The symptoms are: weakness; paralysis of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body; trouble seeing; confusion and trouble speaking; dizziness; loss of balance and coordination; vomiting and pain of sudden and intense head. A person with stroke needs immediate medical attention
Gastric bypass, the stomach is becoming smaller and does not allow the food to pass through the intestine. You feel satiated more quickly than when your stomach was its original size. So eat less. Furthermore, part of calories is not absorbed by the intestine. The stomach is connected to the ileum, preventing the food passing through the duodenum and jejunum, which begin to be absorbed. It is recommended for people who are with BMI of 40 or above. Most people who undergo gastric bypass surgery quickly begin to lose weight for 12 months. But until the fourth year after the operation, some individuals gain some of the weight they lost. As in other surgeries for obesity, some patients may develop gallstones, anemia and osteoporosis. The risk of dying is quite small. Can cause dumping syndrome, a condition in which the food moves too quickly through the stomach and intestine. Cause nausea, weakness, fainting and diarrhea shortly after meals. Part of ingested nutrients is no longer absorbed after surgery such as iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. Therefore problems arise such as anemia and osteoporosis. A diet planned by a nutritionist and dietary supplements can also avoid this
Low calorie diet: a diet low in calories is generally used to lose one to two pounds per week. Most doctors and nutritionists do not recommend losing more than a pound a week. The general recommendations for this type of diet are:
Reduce calorie intake to 1200-1500 for women and 1500-1800 calories for men. Women should not eat fewer than 1,000 calories per day and men 1,200 calories without medical supervision
Limit the amount of fat you eat 20% to 35% of total calories consumed.
Choose complex carbohydrates such as grains, vegetables and fruits. 45% to 65% of the daily calories should come from this type of carbohydrate
Opt for low-fat proteins like fish, chicken and vegetables Eat 20-30 grams of fiber a day Do not take more than one dose (women) or two (men) alcoholic beverages per day
Very low calorie diet: a diet very low calorie can be considered if you are overweight or need to lose weight to protect their health. But, in general, is not recommended. Here, the person ingests 250-800 calories per day. Never start a diet like this without medical supervision. This is because it will not give the required amount of vitamins and minerals, unless it is prepared by a specialist. Thus, it can cause health problems. It is common for those who follow a very low calorie diet has constipation, nausea or diarrhea as a side effect. But they go away in a few weeks. Another quite common and most serious problem is the development of gallstones. Consequences of very low calorie diet for the body:
Your metabolism retains more energy because it thinks you're starving
To achieve the necessary carbohydrates, your body breaks down protein. This causes a loss of tissue of the organs and muscles. Thus, the percentage of fat in your body increases. The consequence is a reduction in metabolism. It is so easy to gain weight after losing it
Lost half the weight in fat and the other half of the muscle tissue. In a moderate diet, you lose three times more fat than muscle tissue and organs
There may be an imbalance in the level of minerals and electrolytes in the body
There is bone loss. Therefore, increases the risk of developing osteoporosis women
Phenethylamine, the drug removes the appetite so you feel less hungry. It works by changing the level of brain chemical activity that interferes with mood and appetite. You can also speed up the way your body burns calories. Side effects: nervousness, irritability, sweating, nausea, headache, dry mouth, constipation, trouble sleeping and listening. There is also the risk of weight regain after the medication is terminated
Fobi-Capella, one of the techniques of surgical reduction of stomach
Unsaturated fat, liquid at room temperature. Can help improve your cholesterol if used in place of saturated fat and trans. Try to eat more unsaturated fats other than
Saturated fat: one that is solid at room temperature. Can raise cholesterol. It is found in products derived from animals, like milk and meat. Pork and fish have less saturated fat than red meat. It is also present in oils such as coconut, cocoa butter. Food labels can tell you the amount of saturated fat from food
Total Fat: refers to the total calories as fat. It is expressed as a percentage of total calories ingested on. It is recommended that 20% to 35% of total calories come from fat, any
Trans fat: type of unsaturated fat that has been modified by a process called hydrogenation. This is done to make the fat lasts longer on the shelf and make it harder to room temperature. She makes cookies and pies and crusts more crispy. But can increase cholesterol. Can be found in snacks like cookies, crackers, and margarine and salad dressings. Try to keep as low as possible the intake of trans fats
Visceral fat also called abdominal or central, is that accumulated around the waist
Hypothyroidism, occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This hormone regulates how the body uses energy. A low thyroid can cause symptoms such as tiredness, lethargy, weight gain, depression, memory problems, constipation, dry skin, cold intolerance, thickening or thinning of hair, brittle nails and yellow skin. In general, hyperthyroidism develops slowly.
The very auto-body defense (immune) attacks the thyroid gland. It can also develop from a radiation treatment or surgery for the removal of the thyroid. The hipotereoidismo is treated with medications to replace the thyroid hormone. Symptoms usually disappear within a few months after starting treatment. But most people need to continue taking the hormone for the rest of your life
Stapling of the stomach: this surgery, an incision is made in the abdomen. With the use of a clamp and a band creates a small pouch in the stomach. This bag is not completely closed to allow the food to move the rest of the stomach and into the intestines. Inside this bag, it is only half a cup of food. If you eat more than that, you feel bad
Family history: it is estimated that the inheritance influences from 25% to 70% weight and the amount of fat in the body of people. Studies show that even children raised away from their biological parents tend to have a body mass index similar to theirs. Genes influence your weight by affecting:
How calories are used. Some people use the calories in a very efficient manner. They need fewer calories to fuel. The consequence is that there is a surplus, which stores
The basal metabolism, which is how much energy you burn while at rest. How much lower is your basal metabolism, the easier you will gain weight
Body signals. Hunger, satiety and appetite are body signals that tell you how much you need to eat
Hunger is a normal feeling that makes you want to eat. It is partially controlled by the hypothalamus, the levels of blood sugar and the emptying of the stomach and intestines, in addition to hormonal levels
Satiety is a feeling of satisfaction. Receptors in the stomach send signals to the brain that the stomach is full
Appetite is a desire or an interest in food that is associated with the sight, smell or memory of a meal. It is not related to hunger. You may be hungry, but not appetite
Theories say that your body tends to maintain a specific weight range. That seems to be influenced by genetics
Fat distribution. Its weight varies according to age. Aging means changing abdomen muscles for hip-fat index is the waist measurement, in inches, that shows the presence or absence of obesity in this region
Hormone insulin produced by the pancreas that carries glucose from food into cells, which serve to produce energy.
Lipid molecules present in animals and plants insoluble in water. Comprise oils, fats, waxes, among others.
Orlistat: the remedy prevents your intestines absorb some of the fat you ingested. When taken three times daily with meals, orlistat blocks about one-third of the fat you eat. The fat passes directly through the intestines and is eliminated in the stool. When you absorb less fat, calories you take less, which leads to weight loss. There is no effect on appetite. Possible side effects: They are related to the intestines. Only a small portion of orlistat is absorbed by the circulatory system, so it has little effect on other parts of the body.
Oily stools, flatulence and urgency to go to the bathroom
Greenhouse bowel movement
Trouble controlling the gases
The increase side effects if you eat more fat and vice versa. People being treated with orlistat are recommended not to consume more than 30% fat. With this, the side effects are at a manageable level.
Osteoarthritis: an inflammation of the cartilage which protects joints. Therefore, the bones can end bumping into each other, resulting in damage to the tissue and pain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is a leading cause of disability in adults. The highest occurrence is in the spine, fingers, hips, knees and fingers. The symptoms are:
Pain in the affected regions. In general, it gets worse later in the day or after periods of activity. As the disease progresses, pain occurs throughout the day
Stiffness after periods of inactivity, such as in the morning or after waking up. Lasts less than one hour
Limited movement of joints
Swelling caused by fluid around the joints (synovitis)
Development of calluses
Grinding sensation when moving generally accompanied by pain
Symptoms of osteoarthritis can be treated with medicine and nursing home. Although the disease usually gets worse in some people symptoms may remain stable or even improve. Joints surgery may also be required in severe cases.
Psychiatrist: doctor who specializes in treating psychological disorders. How are doctors may prescribe antidepressants. Some also use psychotherapy
Insulin resistance framework in which the cells in the body alter the membrane itself rejecting entry of glucose. Can be caused by high sugar in circulation.
Scopinaro: In this surgery, the stomach is stapled and its size is reduced by 60% to 70%. The duodenum and jejunum are isolated, and the food does not come into contact with the pancreatic juice at the end of the ileum, already very close to the large intestine. This deviation causes malabsorption, even more so than in the bypass technique. It is indicated for those with a BMI of 50 or above this level. The technique is quite efficient Scopinaro. The operated people lose 75% to 80% overweight, and maintains isso.Como occurs in other surgeries for obesity, some patients may develop gallstones, anemia and osteoporosis. The risk of dying is quite small. Can cause dumping syndrome, a condition in which the food moves too quickly through the stomach and intestine. Cause nausea, weakness, fainting and diarrhea shortly after meals. The duodenal switch or technical Scopinaro is very complex and should only be done by a very experienced surgeon.
Sibutramine: drug that alters the level of brain chemicals, including serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that influences the sensations of hunger and satiety. The action of sibutramine is to make you feel more satisfied when eating fast. Side effects may include:
Increasing pressure
Rapid heartbeat
dry mouth
Trouble sleeping
After you stop taking sibutramine, you can regain a little weight, unless you have changed your eating habits and exercise routine
Cushing's syndrome: disorder caused by an excess of the hormone cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands, which lie just above the kidneys. It can be caused by:
Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications
A tumor in the pituitary gland of the brain, which can cause the body to produce too much cortisol
A tumor in the adrenal gland
Some cancers that produce adrenocorticotropic hormone
Cushing's syndrome can cause a red round face, accumulation of fat in the chin and in the dorsal region, diabetes, high blood pressure, tendency to get easily with bruises, fatigue, high level of blood sugar and emotional changes. Depending on the case, Cushing's syndrome can be treated with drugs, surgery, radiation or a combination of all that.
A package of disorders like high blood pressure, high rate of glucose and fats in the blood, the excess waist measurement that raise the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and other problems.
Therapist or Psychologist: professional who specializes in treating mental illness or mental disorders. It uses psychotherapy to treat those who are depressed
Triglycerides: a type of fat found in the blood. It is the most common type of fat and also the main source of energy. When you eat, your body stores energy in the form of triglycerides. In a desirable level, triglycerides is very important. But at high levels, can develop coronary disease and even pancreatitis. Triglyceride levels are measured as follows:
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