วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

See the difference between overweight and obesity.


The diagnosis of obesity is given by calculating the BMI (calculate its free) and the abdomen / hip ratio.
Values are undergoing a review and vary according to ethnicity, but in women this number should not exceed 88 cm and, in men, 102. Above that indicate the presence of central obesity - also called abdominal or visceral. This fat deposit is particularly harmful for the heart because these fat cells are just the first aserem broken to maintain body metabolism. And this reaction are left molecules that trigger an increase of fats in the bloodstream.


Obesity is a complex disease. There is no single cause or cure. You gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn. But obesity is influenced by many other factors such as family history, the type of work you do, race and the environment.

Overeating is very easy these days. Portions of fast food and restaurants are very large, to the point that a meal is able to give you enough calories for the entire day. The food

is also a focus of social activities. Joining family and friends is always related to food. And eating can also be warm when you are stressed or depressed.

Furthermore, people are less active. Some people hate to exercise and others simply do not have time. Many devices that also use reduce the daily activity: lift, remote control, car, etc. Even small changes, such as walking the dog, can make a difference. Walking the dog for half an hour burns 125 calories. Wash the car, 300 calories. Other things that can affect your weight are the family history and genetics. If one of your parents are obese, you have three times more likely to become obese than those with parents at the right weight. The eating habits of your family and your friends can also influence your weight. Other things can also help in weight gain :.

Low self-esteem: being overweight can lower your self-esteem and lead you to eat as a way to feel more comfortable. Fail several times with diets can also cause problems, making it difficult to lose weight.
Emotional concerns: stress, anxiety or diseases such as depression or panic attacks cause people to eat more. Some eat to calm down, to avoid dealing with the problem or to cushion negative emotions.
Trauma: traumatic events, such as sexual, physical or emotional abuse; the loss of a loved family or marital problems can help you eat more.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages have a very large amount of calories. Furthermore, they can make you gain more weight around the stomach.
Medications: Some drugs and disease can lead to weight gain. Examples Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism. Or take antidepressants and steroids.

Obesity Risk

How obesity can affect your health depends on several factors such as your age, gender, amount of body fat and how active you are. For example, if you already have an advanced age, but engage in exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing diseases related to weight than sedentary young.

Risk of disease

If you are obese, are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and high triglycerides, heart disease, stroke and sleep apnea, among other things. With the weight loss, the risk decreases. The place where your body accumulates fat is also important. If the fat is concentrated around the stomach, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and coronary heart disease than thin people or localized fat in the hip (the so-called pear-shaped).

making changes

To make big changes in your life, you need to be very determined. Ask yourself if this is the right time. Are you ready to commit to a plan and follow it? It has the support of friends and family? Talked to your doctor about which are the first steps? Ask for help from your doctor to :.

Identify the factors that make you gain weight.

Find medicines you are taking and that may be hindering weight loss Making changes in lifestyle and not diets.

Your doctor may recommend you the help of some professionals :.
A dietitian can tell you how many calories a day you need and how best to get them.
A physical education teacher can give you an exercise program that is safe and efficient.
A therapist or psychiatrist can help solve emotional problems such as depression and anxiety. They can also be useful in cases of sexual abuse, family problems or addictions.
A surgeon may be necessary if your doctor deems important a stomach surgery.

When you are ready to start the changes, not late in getting them. Anything you can do to be healthier than what they were doing is a step in the right direction. Set small goals. But your goals need to be specific, with a point, and with some flexibility for you to run them from time to time.

One goal of eating better and exercising more is very general. Instead, we will talk exercise 3 to 4 times per week. It might be good to start with a 15-minute walk three times a week and then increase to four times. When you reach this goal, it requires-other. Note, though, that there will be setbacks. The important thing is that they do not take their goal. Think of a time when you could fulfill some goal and remember what motivated.

Try putting a similar motivation now and put small goals and real. Achieve success, even in small things, is important. So you can accomplish something, put other goal. If you think you're not ready for the changes, try to choose a future date. Make an appointment with the doctor and discuss it with him. In the meantime, you can evaluate what changes you want to make in your life.


In addition to traditional check-up, you can do other tests to monitor your health. Your doctor may want blood tests to check the type 2 diabetes, thyroid, liver problems and levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. The doctor will also check the pressure, ask about the medicines you are taking, discuss the background, how active you are, how much ingest alcoholic beverages, weight gain history and how many times have you tried to lose weight. Knowing the size of her waist with the Body Mass Index (BMI) the doctor can determine your risk of developing other diseases.

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