The Dukan Diet is one of the most popular diets and is based on the consumption of foods low in fat and carbohydrates, but also high in protein. This diet requires some changes in your lifestyle to maintain your ideal body weight and healthy. It was created by the French doctor named Pierre Dukan, who began using it in their patients into four distinct phases together. This diet became popular in 2000 at the hands of this doctor, who says you can lose 7 or more pounds in a week if this diet is followed to the letter.
What you need to do?
To get the best out of the diet is important to buy the book that talks extensively about it. It is recommended uon entitled "The Dukan Method Illustrated" which explains the whole philosophy behind this diet and how best to use it. The four phases of this diet are the Attack Phase, Phase Cruise, Consolidation Phase and Phase Stabilization. It is also necessary to buy food rich in proteins to begin Attack Phase. Red meat, eggs, skim milk, nonfat yogurt and chicken should be part of what you choose to eat.The promise and the phases of the Dukan Diet
Lean protein (chicken, fish and soy), oat bran, and enough water, with 20 minutes of exercise are widely recommended in the diet. It seeks to limit the intake of carbohydrates to make the body burn more fat. You can eat any amount of food, provided you have low percentages of carbohydrates and included among those adopted to achieve the desired results.On the Attack Phase, you can eat all the lean protein it likes, plus 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran and at least 6 glasses of water per day - it lasts between 1 and 10 days. In Phase Cruise are added every other day non-starchy vegetables, and besides that half tablespoon of oat bran - This phase may last several months. In Phase Consolidation can eat vegetables daily, a fruit, two slices of whole grain bread and a lot of hard cheese. Also during this phase you can eat one to two servings of starchy food, and best of all, you can "celebrate" its positive results with one or two meals a week in which consumes what it wants.
In Phase Stabilization everything is maintenance. You can then eat what you want, except for one day where is the Attack Phase, eating foods high in protein. Also during this phase you can eat three tablespoons of oat bran a day and must walk for 20 minutes too. You can consume a glass of wine per day during the phases of stabilization and consolidation. Tea, bitter coffee, spices, artificial coloring, and sugarless chewing gum are allowed in the Dukan Diet but it is always advisable to avoid the most of the chemicals in dyes, artificial sweeteners, etc.
Preparation and limitations
In this diet exotic spices are used and their preparation is very simple. We recommend taking into account the restrictions on the type of food that you consume at first. It is noted that the Dukan diet, by eating oat bran and protein throughout the day, can eventually cause gas production. There are specialists recommend eating whole grains, fruits, grains and healthy fat, but the Dukan Diet does not emphasize them which is a point to consider. It is known that (including Omega 3) fatty acids are essential for many body functions and limit your intake of extreme form is not recommended. Besides this, it should incorporate a program variable intensity training to maximize results, as we saw earlier in this article.Positive aspects of the Dukan Diet
The type of food you use this diet is readily available in any supermarket. We must also say that you only have to do 20 minutes of exercise per day, and this is very easy for anyone who needs to lose weight (although it is recommended that you do more than 20 minutes). You can get fast results with this diet, and it is meant only have to wait a few weeks to get the results you want. At first you might lose between 2 and 2.5 pounds per week, then down a bit to 1 to 1.5 pounds per week.Some people can lose 1 to 2 pounds per day, obtaining faster results two weeks. If you are a person that likes the daily check to know the weight removed, you should know that it will fluctuate. Some people will see results even in the first week, losing up to 1 pound daily as they continue to literally requiring the Dukan Diet. It is noted as an important aspect that the diet includes all kinds of food, eliminating the concern about the absence of any food group. Following this diet is easy, with a level of easy application exercises.
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