The types of foods to remove if you want to lose weight
Decisions in food are extremely important to weight loss and good health in general. Everyone knows that the selection of foods you eat can make all the difference if you get fat or lose weight, you but very few people know the foods that many consider "healthy" but they really are not all. In this article you will find the 3 types of foods that you must avoid if you want to lose weight quickly and at the same time maintain optimal health. But first, a little history ...
During the different stages of its evolution, mankind has consumed tens of thousands of different species of animals, fungi and plants. But here's a startling statistic: currently the average adult in industrialized countries (but increasingly in Latin American countries) consumes approximately 70% of daily calories from only 3 types of foods: wheat (with all its derivatives) , corn and soybeans.
This means that the human body, after hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and adaptation to a variety of foods, suddenly (in the space of a couple of centuries) begins to consume 70% of your entire diet based on these 3 types of food.
So what would a quantity of wheat, soybeans and corn could be considered healthy to eat?
Considering the hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of the human race and studies of the diet of our ancestors, it has been determined that the quantity of wheat, soybeans and corn should be consumed would be in the range of 2 % to 6% of total daily calories. Currently, we are consuming more than 15 times the amount for which we adapted! The human digestive system was never designed to consume these substances in such increased quantities.
In an organism it may take tens of thousands of years before they can adapt (evolutionarily speaking) to its environment. You can not expect humans to change their eating habits almost entirely by a diet for which they are not genetically adapted without negative health consequences.
Do not forget that these large amounts of wheat, soybeans and corn in modern human diet is a recent phenomenon that originates from industries billions of dollars of grain, seeds and grains (and as you can guess, the main are wheat, soybeans and corn). One of the best documentaries about Food Inc. is which we invite you to look (look it up online).
If these grains, cereals and seeds are present in our diet, not because they are good for our health, but because they are cheap, easy to produce and generate billions of dollars to agribusiness. Everything is about money ... NOT your health!
This entails a number of health problems, including many food intolerances, allergies (especially the consumption of gluten intolerance in wheat) and problems of current overweight, so common these days. These foods, empty-calorie carbohydrate-based, are among the main obstacles so you can adelgazar.A this must be added the amount of soda or other drinks full of HFCS that many people consume on average every day ... this is a lot calorie one derived from corn! And do not think sodas "diet" are the solution for weight loss: these drinks with artificial sweeteners can engordarte more than standard drinks. Even the ketchup, pasta, and dozens of other foods containing high amounts of corn syrup fattening and sabotage all your efforts to lose weight.
On top of that, due to current economic factors (especially with artificially low prices for corn and soybeans) now most cattle grain (mostly maize) is also fed ... again amplifying the amount of these foods that pass through the food chain and end up in the human body (from a biochemical point of view). I strongly advise watching the documentary Food Inc. to learn more about this topic.
Hopefully, this article will be very useful to identify the most important factors for you to lose weight. Feel free to share this article with your family and friends.
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