วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Use creativity and Motivation keeps the weight loss accelerates 

Making a dietary reeducation usually generates a feeling of deprivation for those who follow the diet guidelines and Nutritionist to the letter.
But changing habits should be gradual, implying better to choose meals and not giving up small pleasures at the table, except that everything in the right amount. But the motivation is also essential to achieve the results of the diet.

According to research from Carnegie Mellon University published in Science, people who imagine eating some food, like chocolate, magazine end up ingesting a smaller amount of it in time to consume it. These results prove that using the imagination or creativity at mealtime makes the diet becomes more fun, and goals, in turn, easier to hit.

Furthermore, by making the system more enjoyable, a commitment to weight loss and increases the objective is achieved with ease. Learn seven creative ways to make your diet more effective

1. Set a timer 

If you "swallow" your entire meal in five minutes a good solution is to enlist the help of a timer (one timer). Mark 25 minutes on the device and strive to eat more slowly, chewing several times and enjoying the time of breakfast, lunch and dinner to taste the food, remember how each food is tasty, and fall, promote digestion.

Besides the timer, the nutritionist Daniela Cyrulin gives the following tips: count the chews, chew each mouthful 20 times. Look for watching other people eat from his table. "Normally, when we eat alone, eat faster to get it over," she says. Support the cutlery on the table after every mouthful. Just prepare the next forkful after already swallowed the previous one. At mealtime, turn off the TV and computer or any device that may take their focus.

2. Explore new flavors 

Spices, exotic fruits, new dishes. Try everything! This makes the diet exit the routine and keep it easy to follow. According to nutritionist head of Diet and Health, Roberta Stella, instead of thinking about what you can not eat, you should think about what you can! New flavors, textures and many new foods that are not part of your eating routine can be proved. The expert says that this way your taste buds will be stimulated, tested, and you will always have new foods to vary your meals.

3. Create rewards 

The reward system is like a game in which, when you reach your goal, your effort is appreciated. With the system, it should work the same: you stipulate various goals, from simple and easy to reach even more complicated ones that require more effort and time, and when you reach each goal provides a kind of reward for yourself. An example: when you lose three pounds, you are entitled to make a body massage or give away a new smaller jeans. Just remember to choose possible and goodies that will not bust your budget. "The rewards system is healthy, but not related to food rewards, but you run the risk of putting everything away," explains nutritionist Daniela Cyrulin. Ideally fit the diet a little of everything. If you are a chocoholic, for example, allow yourself a piece of chocolate or a dessert to kill the will

.4. Choose dishes and beautiful cups and reduce the size of them 

When choosing dishes and glasses many believe is both the model and the important thing is the durability of the dishes. However, when buying a prettier model with some color or pattern of your choice, you make the meal more enjoyable. Furthermore, when using a dessert plate instead of normal size or a smaller cup for lunch or dinner, you decrease your calorie intake and end up eating less. At the same time, the dish will appear to be full and the glass too, it will bring great satisfaction and to satiation, even with a lower intake of food and fluids

5. Take photos before and after 

Knew that the photos can be great allies in weight loss? Many people tend to be motivated to start a diet reeducation to find themselves out of shape in photographs. And every 15 days, take a picture and see how is the transformation of your body can motivate you even more to continue with the diet and the exercise. But remember: if you keep drawing photo every day the effect can be negative, and you will feel you are not losing weight. The space of 15 days between each photo is key so that you can observe the changes in your body every time. A good tactic that Daniela Cyrulin specialist recommends is: if you've ever weighed less, spread through the house, on the refrigerator, cupboards pantry door, that his picture with the body that you love.

6. Create a food diary or blog 

Write what you doing and eating in everyday life decreases anxiety and brings very positive results for the diet. Feeding program in the Diet and Health, led by nutritionist Roberta Stella, subscribers are encouraged to create blogs to share the challenges and successes of their weight loss. "This creates a network of relationships of people who are focused on the same goal: to lose weight, change habits and become a healthier person," says Roberta.

Comments on a blog the other, encouraging, advising and helping their fellow diet on your target, making weight loss a more challenging process. "Also, when writing about what you eat or how much you knit gives is to check where you are going wrong or exaggerating, contributing to a faster weight loss," says nutritionist

7. Organize the kitchen creatively and practice 

Clean the kitchen can be fun and benefit from the diet, because you can choose to leave the hand (a lot!) - Healthy food - and hide the temptations. According to nutritionist Daniela Cyrulin, the first step is not to take home what you know that is hard to resist. And if you have children or live with other people, ask them to keep these foods in a more hidden location away from your field of vision. Organize your pantry and refrigerator and leave in its field of view, the most favorable foods to your diet. And most important: always have on hand basic ingredients: nuts, dried fruit, fruit, low-fat cheeses, yogurts, bars, sweetener, skim milk, lean meats, canned tuna (light), brown rice, beans and whole grains.

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